Stress and Gut Health: How it Works and How to Check-In

This year has been a historically stressful one, to say the least. Many of us have felt it in our gut. Literally. That’s because stress has a significant impact on gut health. The medical literature continues to confirm that the gut-brain axis is very real. Chemical messengers are traveling back and forth all day long…

Does activated charcoal work after being glutened?

Activated charcoal has been trending for some time now, and many take it after being glutened, but does it actually work? Activated charcoal has its time and place, but after gluten exposure isn’t really one of them. It’s useful for binding toxins, but has not been shown to effectively bind gluten protein. While it won’t…

Celiac vs. Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: Different Conditions Both Worth Respect

I’ve experienced living on both sides of this diagram. For many years, before I finally got a celiac diagnosis, I thought I had non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) (sometimes referred to as gluten intolerance). I remember countless times being in restaurants, requesting a gluten-free menu, and the waiter asking “is this an allergy? or celiac?”, me…

It’s about time we bust this myth about weight in untreated celiac.

The most infuriating and sad thing a client has ever told me was, “it took me so long to get diagnosed because my doctor said overweight people don’t have celiac.” At best, this is utterly untrue. At worst, it’s a damaging assumption that dismisses the individual and prolongs or prevents them from receiving care. Weight…

Banana Coffee Smoothie: A Pick-Me-Up For All Seasons

Happy Fall, everyone! So many things to look forward to this season… In my top 5 are: Crunchy leaves Puppies running through crunchy leaves Flannel Soup and hot drinks Pumpkin and winter squash I’ll definitely be sharing more Fall-flavored things (yes, Fall can be a flavor!) coming up, but for now I’ll leave you with…