My Approach

Meet Maya Rose, MS, CNS

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the transition to gluten-free, or if you’ve been gluten-free for awhile but are still struggling with digestive issues, you’re in the right place. I’ve gone through the same things personally, which is exactly why I now specialize in celiac, gluten-sensitivity, and gut health as a nutritionist.

I am board certified under the American Nutrition Association and have a Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Bastyr University, specialized clinical training in digestive disorders, and professional experience on the faculty and staff at a food-as-medicine culinary school.

My approach to client care is guided by the following 4 core values:

Holistic + evidence-based

These are often seen as mutually exclusive. They aren’t. Nature has much to offer us that is also backed by science (trust me, I nerd out on this stuff!). I believe clients get the best and most well-rounded care when we take advantage of all the tools at our disposal. 


Balance is central to my work because the gut microbiome, as an ecosystem, thrives in a state of balance. This also means I do not subscribe to one main diet dogma (keto, paleo, vegan, etc.) because finding the food that works for each person is about balancing their unique needs and goals.

Balance also means looking at health in a multi-faceted way. Food plays a powerful role, but so does our lifestyle, sleep patterns, stress levels, and community. Often how we feel physically is reflective of ALL of this.


This applies to both you and me! I am deeply committed to listening to my clients in the way I wish I was listened to for many years with my own digestive issues. I also believe one of my clients’ greatest superpowers is listening to the signals their bodies are giving them (don’t worry, I can help you do this!).

About me photo


Rediscovering joy in food and in our lives is perhaps the most healing (and most underrated) thing we can do. 

Speaking of joy… when I’m not helping my awesome clients, I’m probably cooking (I truly love every single thing about food), daydreaming about our future dog(s), being outdoors, spending time with loved ones, or dancing to good music.

If this resonates with you, feel free to reach out about how we can partner together and get you feeling better!


Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.

-Emily Dickinson