5 Reasons I Don’t Recommend Juice Cleanses

The hallmark of most “cleanses” or “detoxes” out there is…restriction. Juice cleansing, where you drink nothing but juice, fits perfectly into this. Although the word “detox” has been co-opted in many cases simply to sell ways of dieting, your body actually does have very real detoxification pathways. Ironically, these pathways actually need MORE nutrients to…

Tips to Prevent Travel Constipation

Digestion thrives off of routine, so travel can throw anyone’s gut out of whack. Below you’ll find food and lifestyle tips to prevent travel-related constipation. There are several supplement-related strategies as well, but those are usually a bit more personalized. Also, if you haven’t already picked up my 10 Tips for Gluten-Free Travel guide, it’s…

How to lower stress and prime your digestion before a meal

Life is busy. And stressful. Stress effects the entire physical body, and if you’re someone prone to digestive issues, you know how much it can mess with your gut. The scientific literature, too, continues to confirm that the relationship between the gut and brain, often called the gut-brain axis, is an extremely intimate one.  …

Can gluten affect your hormones and fertility?

The short answer is yes. If you’re a woman with celiac or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), gluten can have a significant impact on your hormones and fertility. Even though the majority of people with celiac are women, the connection between women’s health issues and gluten is frequently overlooked. Here’s what you need to know about…