Do food sensitivity blood tests work?

Do food sensitivity blood tests work?

If you’ve been curious about food sensitivities, you’ve probably found many options while searching online. There’s everything from blood tests to hair and fingernail analysis to facial thermography.  The most popular in recent years has been IgG blood tests. This is a test used commonly by functional medicine practitioners, and people are now able to…

Can gluten affect your hormones and fertility?

Can gluten affect your hormones and fertility?

The short answer is yes. If you’re a woman with celiac or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), gluten can have a significant impact on your hormones and fertility. Even though the majority of people with celiac are women, the connection between women’s health issues and gluten is frequently overlooked. Here’s what you need to know about…

How do I know if I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity (gluten intolerance)?

How do I know if I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity (gluten intolerance)?

One of the most common questions I come across is, “how do I know if I have non-celiac gluten-sensitivity (NCGS)?” While celiac disease is estimated to account for about 1% of the population, NCGS is estimated to affect 6%. Celiac is a genetic autoimmune disease, while NCGS is a food sensitivity, meaning that each condition…

Does activated charcoal work after being glutened?

Does activated charcoal work after being glutened?

Activated charcoal has been trending for some time now, and many take it after being glutened, but does it actually work? Activated charcoal has its time and place, but after gluten exposure isn’t really one of them. It’s useful for binding toxins, but has not been shown to effectively bind gluten protein. While it won’t…

Celiac vs. Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: Different Conditions Both Worth Respect

Celiac vs. Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity: Different Conditions Both Worth Respect

I’ve experienced living on both sides of this diagram. For many years, before I finally got a celiac diagnosis, I thought I had non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) (sometimes referred to as gluten intolerance). I remember countless times being in restaurants, requesting a gluten-free menu, and the waiter asking “is this an allergy? or celiac?”, me…