How to Fix a Nutrient Deficiency

How to Fix a Nutrient Deficiency

Nutrient deficiencies are very common on a gluten-free diet regardless if you have celiac, gluten-sensitivity, or are gluten-free for another health reason. Depending on the vitamin or mineral and its specific roles, correcting a deficiency could support your… Digestive function Metabolism Thyroid Energy levels Bones Cognition and brain function Hormone production Immunity Tissue repair If…

Tips for Low Iron Levels (plus a high-iron recipe)

Tips for Low Iron Levels (plus a high-iron recipe)

Celiacs, especially when newly diagnosed, are very prone to nutrient deficiencies due to how gluten causes damage to the small intestine (where nutrient absorption SHOULD occur). Iron is one of the most common. In fact, unexplained iron deficiency anemia is a major sign of celiac disease and often a clue that helps people get screened…

Can gluten affect your hormones and fertility?

Can gluten affect your hormones and fertility?

The short answer is yes. If you’re a woman with celiac or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), gluten can have a significant impact on your hormones and fertility. Even though the majority of people with celiac are women, the connection between women’s health issues and gluten is frequently overlooked. Here’s what you need to know about…

When your labs are “normal”… but you don’t feel normal

When your labs are “normal”… but you don’t feel normal

Have you ever been to the doctor and gotten your labs run, just to be told everything is “normal”? Maybe it was on in your journey toward getting a diagnosis when doctors were testing for everything BUT celiac (ask me how I know!). Or maybe you’ve been gluten-free for awhile now but have lingering digestive…

What causes celiac disease?

What causes celiac disease?

Have you ever wondered what caused your celiac disease? After all, how can you have a happy and healthy relationship with gluten for years before it suddenly turns on you? Currently, there are 4 major elements that the medical literature suggests as necessary to ignite the autoimmune disease : Genetics, environmental triggers, intestinal permeability (known…

Does activated charcoal work after being glutened?

Does activated charcoal work after being glutened?

Activated charcoal has been trending for some time now, and many take it after being glutened, but does it actually work? Activated charcoal has its time and place, but after gluten exposure isn’t really one of them. It’s useful for binding toxins, but has not been shown to effectively bind gluten protein. While it won’t…